
Fear is all in a day's work

Castle Funkystain

This was the YMCA haunt for 2009, a classic mad scientist's castle complete with cannibalism, evil experiments, and gruesome surgery. Sadly due to lack of organization on my part and all hell breaking loose the night of the haunt, there are almost no pictures of the finished show. As I turn up scraps, I am posting them here. If you were present, and in possession of enough self control to take pictures, please use the contact link to send copies.

Bucky Skins - Merle and Jim

These are burlap and monster mud skins molded from a Bucky skeleton. They were great detail on the wall of the laboratory. They look pretty good hanging in my kitchen, too!

Video Frame Grabs

The video was almost impossibly dim, but I did manage to get a few good frames of our delightful cast. From left to right, top to bottom, the maid (love the surreal framing!), the butler, the diner, and the lab assistants.

Various Scenes/Props Around the Castle

Props and sets from the kitchen to the lab at various stages of construction...
